Be Ready For Your Fly Fishing Trip

Fishing Trip Prep

Smiling girl holding a fish on a boat.
Bearded man holding a fish on a boat with YETI cooler
Man holding a fish on a boat in a scenic waterway.

How to Prepare for an Unforgettable Fly Fishing Experience

While a day on the water can be a wonderful experience, making sure you are prepared is essential. A long day in the hot sun without the proper supplies and gear can leave you regretting your decision. We want you to have an incredible time with us and so we have put together this list of items that you may want to consider bringing with you on your fly-fishing adventure.

Pack the Essentials

Texas law requires you to have a Saltwater Fishing License with a Saltwater Stamp to fly-fish the Gulf Coast. Make sure you purchase yours before the trip and bring it with you.

Polarized sunglasses with brown, copper or amber lenses work best when fishing along the Texas coastline. Consider throwing in a neck strap with or without a float to keep from losing your sunglasses in the water.

Whether summer or winter, there will be limited shade available so bring plenty of sunscreen. UV fishing shirts are a good idea too.

The sun is bright, even with sunglasses. Pack a hat with a dark underbrim.

Water will be provided, but it doesn't hurt to pack something with electrolytes. Hydration tip: Always focus on hydration the day BEFORE your outing — it is just as, if not more, important!

Lunch is not provided so you may want to pack your own to stay fueled throughout the trip.

Non-marking deck shoes are a good idea if you are uncomfortable with going barefoot on the boat.

Capt. Steve provides high quality fly fishing gear for the trip, but you are more than welcome to bring your own. 7-9 weight rods are perfect.

Flies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own selection.

Upon request, artificial lures, spin or “baitcast” rods can be provided for clients that would like to sight fish using this method rather than a fly rod.

If you plan on bringing your phone or camera, bring an airtight waterproof pocket or pouch to keep it in.

The wind can be bitter cold on the water during the cooler months, so bring a hoodie or jacket to stay warm.

Some extra things to consider bringing: lip balm, seasickness pills, bug spray, alternate pants/shorts or an extra change of clothes (the weather is unpredictable), rain jacket.

Practice Makes Perfect

Whether you’re new to fly-fishing or a novice, practicing before your trip can make a world of difference. While Capt. Steve will give you tips on how to improve your casts and on which flies to select, you don’t want to spend your entire trip learning to cast. Make the most of your trip by practicing your skills beforehand. Capt. Steve always says, “Fishing is fishing no matter the method, but can you cast a fly rod?

Accuracy is more important than distance. Practice making accurate casts (overhead, roll cast, sidearm, backhand, etc) at distances of 20 to 50 feet.

Being off the water for a while can make seeing fish underwater a challenge. If you have time before your trip, grab your polarized sunglasses and practice spotting fish in a water source near you.

Fish are easily startled by loud noises, un-natural movements and shadows. In order to get the most out of your guided trip, practice being stealthy in your approach: stay low, avoid quick movements, don’t cast your shadow on a fish, wear natural colored clothing and don’t rock the boat.

Smiling girl holding a fish on a boat.
"Man holding a fish on a boat under blue skies."
Man holding a fish on a boat in a scenic waterway.